Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Reminded of Mistakes

Do you know this feeling?

When I made a mistake, I regret it, I try to be better at it. And sometimes I wrote about something that I've learnt on things, like twitter, blog, or anything. But days or months or even years after that, when life goes on, cases like that that came, and surprisingly I still did that mistake. I forgot about it like, really forget that.

So I made that mistake, like I did "taking things for granted" AGAIN. But now, because I'm older, that "taking things for granted" caused me like bigger penalty! It gave me lost in a bigger scale.
And that, I found out even in this blog, I have written how I should change that habit just a minute ago, and I was like "what, I wrote that thing??". Silly, yes it is silly. I did the same mistakes all over again. I was always the person that do not want to repeat the same mistakes over again like stupids. Only stupids fall over the same hole again and again, yet I did that. Wow.

Am I like, getting older and harder to change to be better??? AAKKHH

Time Management and Self Control

Hi people,

Yes it's been years that I've abandoned this blog. Guess I found other activities filling my time. Well, of course I've been busy doing school stuffs, and others. I feel my time's so short that everything's coming out pressing me and I feel a little bit overwhelmed.

In such time, I suppose time management is the best answer. Everybody know about this, I mean it's like a general knowledge, kids have been taught at school to write agendas, schedules, and everything. I remember that time when I got that as a homework, I really put every details about how my activities supposed to be in my "perfect life imagination", for example like I wrote that every noon after school my schedule said that I have to study and all that stuff, but in fact, reality's always goes different. I even chose to watch TV or doing nothing instead of following that "perfect schedule".

FUNNY thing is, now that I'm in University, that time I described was at elementary school, yet it's still so hard for me to do self control, be discipline to my schedule. So many temptations, laziness, or anything that keep me out of my control. It's like everyday, or every hours, it's a battlefield in my mind, followed by regrets if I lose that and chose a wrong choice (of not following my schedule, or what I supposed to be doing that time). Thank God, that I always be blessed even when I made that wrong choice, God always be there, forgiving me, giving me other chances to catch up.

Maybe that's it for today. Thank you for reading my bla-bla-bla. I should be doing other things rather than sitting, typing blogs.

Bye friends, God Bless.