Saturday, December 20, 2008

What is Right?

I was just sitting around and the idea was just popped out through my mind that there's a little controversion in Right Or Wrong.

What is the meaning of "Right"?
What is the meaning of "Wrong"?

Right came out when the majority said it is right. And so, wrong is the opposite. Or we could say, when the minority said it is right.

Well emm, I give you an example like when someone's stealing a chicken. Is that right, or wrong? Well of course you would say that it is such a "wrong"-thing. But consider this. Where do you got those thought, saying that stealing is bad? It comes out from our belief, our habits, our environment, and from our ancestors' tendency. They make us used to this tradition of not to steal, making the majority think that it's not good. So it becomes wrong.

But what if everybody are stealing chickens. When the majority are doing that bad thing. When they're stealing your chicken. What will you do? Most of us will steal others' chickens back and it'll become a habit and tradition if doing it over and over again. You'll feel no guilty doing it and so the wrong turns right.

Gouvernment's and others there are making the law, that stealing is prohibitted. Why are people following those rules? Because they also think that it's right, the majority say it is right. So the rights could work.

What if that gouverment makes that rights in law or constitution, but only the minority think it's right? Majority will rebel and that rights will not work. Minority says it's right not to steal, but majority says it's wrong. Majority will win and right become wrong.